Thursday, July 21, 2011

I really need adivce on my life!?

I'm fourteen, and I've been pretty depressed for a while now. But now I just feel like my life is falling apart. It started yesterday, when my family found out I ditched school on Thursday to go to town. My mum gets pretty annoyed and irritated with it, and she made me promise a few weeks ago that I wouldn't ditch anymore, but I still did. She doesn't really do anything about it, but she gets super mad. My auntie found out about it and called me then she threatened to smash me, so I felt like running away last night because she said she was coming today. And I believe her because she hits her kids and sometimes my cousin can't come to school because she has a blackeye or something. My cousin told me she couldn't be bothered coming over today but all of my other family like my grandparents who absolutely LOVE me, and my mum all wanted to give me a hiding :/ I feel like I'm letting them down so much. They all expect me to be perfect, and my nan tells me that out of all her grandchildren, I'm the one with the most "potential", and I'm also the eldest. They expect so much from me, and I just can't take it. They have my whole life planned out for me; college, career, kids. They all expect me to be a successful lawyer and to get into the best university like Harvard or something. And I don't even know if I'll live long enough to make it to uni. I don't want to talk to them about it, because to be honest I'm not exactly "emotionally" close with anyone in my family. I live with my mum, my two brothers, my sister and my step-dad. I want to run away, and I have this friend who told me that if I ever want to run away, he'll pay for my bus ticket and everything. I just want to get away from everything- all the expectations and pressure. My family thinks I'm strong because I always act like it, but I'm crumbling. It upsets me so much, and when I was talking to my friend on the phone and telling her what was happening I started crying, and I still feel like crying. It hurts me so much. My auntie was saying how I've disgraced the family and all of this stuff about the family name and letting down everyone. I hate it. I just want to run away. Or at least go live with my dad, but he lives all the way up north, and I wouldn't want to live there because it's a small town and really not my ideal place to live in. I love my family but I really feel like they hate me and like my life is just so stuffed up. Please help :( Should I run away or what? Should I ask my dad if I can move in with hime or if he can move closer? My mum won't like it, since my dad used to be heavily into drugs and is just getting his life sorted. But I can't stand living at home anymore! I need adivce.

Why does everyone always call me the fresh prince of gayness when I'm straight and engaged?

I am straight and engaged but people always call me gay and make up derogatory gay names to call me with. They call me the fresh prince of gayness when I am totally straight and I am not gay. I'm engaged to a beautiful vietnamese girl from vietnam who my aunt setted me up with. My mother had to ask my auntie in vietnam to set me up with a girl because I couldn't get a girlfriend over here in the united states. My aunt setted me up with a girl who's looking to marry a vietnamese american guy like me. People always say that she is using but I don't believe what they say is true and she is not going to use me. Why do people call me the fresh prince of gayness when I'm straight and engaged ??? Why are they making fun of the tv show the fresh prince of bel air ????

How would I find someone?

Are you in the UK? may help, you can look if she is on the electral roll or try asking a family member who may understand that you want to see your Grandma, good luck :)

Everything I eat makes me throw up, and I need the toilet?

Usually stomach bugs only last for 24 hours, two days at the most. Try drinking some milk, it coats the stomach and is meant to stop it from rejecting your food as much. Make sure you drink lots of water so you stay hydrated because when you have a stomach bug you can usually find you get dehydrated very quickly.

My family don't understand my anxiety?

See a doctor tell them off your Phobia they can help it's a common phobia.I'm 38 21stone and can not look people in the eye it make me feel uneasy.

Help need some of that good advice?

wow sounds like a movie opening, but stay calm I guess I have never robbed anyone let alone my own family so idk what to say, If she does say something you better have a good story like this one to tell her

What can I get for my 14th birthday?

I'm 14 soon and my mum and dad are getting me a laptop but I don't no what to ask for of my grandmas and aunties and stuff I don't need money I still have my birthday money for the past couple of years:L I'm not dead girly I don't really need clothes either because iv just brought a load please help!!