Friday, July 15, 2011

What motivated you to have more children?

I was an only child and I didn't want that for my son, I've always wanted a big family and I'd love to have 2 more, we're leaving it at 2 though as we don't have a large enough house or enough money for any more right now. I had a difficult birth with my first as well, I developed pre-eclampsia and then he had horrible jaundice, that was complicated as normally jaundice is ok, he had it due to incompatibility with my blood and was 24 hours away from having a blood transfusion, I was also rather nervous to have a second child but it was fine, the only similarity was that I was induced both times but with my second it was because she was over due. I'd love to have more, I really would, I love being pregnant and having that itty bitty baby, if you want another child have one, in all likelihood it will be nothing like your first and even if it is, the birth is just a small moment compared to everything else you get.

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